
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Late Bill Override Date - Audiology

Late Bill Override Date

For electronic claims, a delay reason code must be selected and a date must be noted in the “Claim Notes/LBOD” field. 

Valid Delay Reason Codes

1 Proof of Eligibility Unknown or Unavailable

3 Authorization Delays

7 Third Party Processing Delay

8 Delay in Eligibility Determination

9 Original Claim Rejected or Denied Due to a Reason Unrelated to the Billing Limitation Rules

11 Other

The Late Bill Override Date (LBOD) allows providers to document compliance with timely filing requirements when the initial timely filing period has expired. Colorado Medical Assistance Program providers have 120 days from the date of service to submit their claim. For i nformation on the 60-day resubmission rule for denied/rejected claims, please see the General Provider Information manual in the Provider Services  Billing Manuals section.

Making false statements about timely filing compliance is a misrepresentation and falsification that, upon conviction, makes the individual who prepares the claim and the enrolled provider subject to a fine and imprisonment under state and/or federal law.

Billing Instruction


LBOD Completion
·     Electronic claim formats provide specific fields for documenting the LBOD.
·    Supporting documentation must be kept on file for 6 years.
·     For paper claims, follow the instructions appropriate for the claim form you are using.
   UB-04: Occurrence code 53 and the date are required in FL
   CMS-1500: Indicate LBOD and the date in box 19

Billing Instruction


Adjusting Paid Claims
If the initial timely filing period has expired and a previously submitted claim that was filed within the original Colorado Medical Assistance Program timely filing period or the allowed 60 day
follow-up period was paid and now needs to be adjusted, resulting in additional payment to the provider.

Adjust the claim within 60 days of the claim payment. Retain all documents that prove compliance with timely filing requirements.

Note: There is no time limit for providers to adjust paid claims that would result in repayment to the Colorado Medical Assistance Program.

LBOD = the run date of the Colorado Medical Assistance Program
Provider Claim Report showing the payment.

Denied Paper Claims
If the initial timely filing period has expired and a previously submitted paper claim that was filed within the original Colorado Medical Assistance Program timely filing period or the allowed 60 day follow-up period was denied.

Correct the claim errors and refile within 60 days of the claim denial or rejection. Retain all documents that prove compliance with timely filing requirements.

LBOD = the run date of the Colorado Medical Assistance Program
Provider Claim Report showing the denial.

Returned Paper Claims
A previously submitted paper claim that was filed within the original Colorado Medical Assistance Program timely filing period or the allowed 60 day follow-up period was returned for additional information.

Correct the claim errors and re-file within 60 days of the date stamped on the returned claim. Retain a copy of the returned claim that shows the receipt or return date stamped by the fiscal agent.

LBOD = the stamped fiscal agent date on the returned claim.

Rejected Electronic
An electronic claim that was previously entered within the original Colorado Medical Assistance Program timely filing period or the allowed 60 day follow-up period was rejected and information needed to submit the claim was not available to refile at the time of the rejection.
Billing Instruction


Correct claim errors and refile within 60 days of the rejection. Maintain a printed copy of the rejection notice that identifies the claim and date of rejection.

LBOD = the date shown on the claim rejection report.

Denied/Rejected Due to Member Eligibility
An electronic eligibility verification response processed during the original Colorado Medical Assistance Program timely filing period states that the individual was not eligible but you were subsequently able to verify eligibility. Read also instructions for retroactive eligibility.

File the claim within 60 days of the date of the rejected eligibility verification response. Retain a printed copy of the rejection notice that identifies the member and date of eligibility rejection.

LBOD = the date shown on the eligibility rejection report.

Retroactive Member
The claim is for services provided to an individual whose Colorado Medical Assistance Program eligibility was backdated or made retroactive.

File the claim within 120 days of the date that the individual’s eligibility information appeared on state eligibility files. Obtain and maintain a letter or form from the county departments of social services that:

·     Identifies the patient by name
·     States that eligibility was backdated or retroactive
·     Identifies the date that eligibility was added to the state eligibility system.

LBOD = the date shown on the county letter that eligibility was added to or first appeared on the state eligibility system.

Delayed Notification of
The provider was unable to determine that the patient had Colorado Medical Assistance Program coverage until after the timely filing period expired.

File the claim within 60 days of the date of notification that the individual had Colorado Medical Assistance Program coverage.

Delayed Notification of
Retain correspondence, phone logs, or a signed Delayed Eligibility Certification form (see Certification & Request for Timely Filing Extension in the Provider Services  Forms section of the Department’s Web site) that identifies the member, indicates the
Billing Instruction


effort made to identify eligibility, and shows the date of eligibility notification.

·     Claims must be filed within 365 days of the date of service. No exceptions are allowed.
·     This extension is available only if the provider had no way of knowing that the individual had Colorado Medical Assistance Program coverage.
·     Providers who render services in a hospital or nursing facility are expected to get benefit coverage information from the institution.
·     The extension does not give additional time to obtain Colorado
Medical Assistance Program billing information.
·     If the provider has previously submitted claims for the member, it is improper to claim that eligibility notification was delayed.

Colorado Medical Assistance Program benefits.

Electronic Medicare
Crossover Claims
An electronic claim is being submitted for Medicare crossover benefits within 120 days of the date of Medicare processing/ payment. (Note: On the paper claim form (only), the Medicare
SPR/ERA date field documents crossover timely filing and

completion of the LBOD is not required.)

File the claim within 120 days of the Medicare processing/ payment date shown on the SPR/ERA. Maintain the original SPR/ERA on file. LBOD = the Medicare processing date shown on the SPR/ERA.

Medicare Denied
The claim is for Medicare denied services (Medicare non-benefit services, benefits exhausted services, or the member does not have Medicare coverage) being submitted within 60 days of the date of Medicare processing/denial.

Note: This becomes a regular Colorado Medical Assistance Program claim, not a Medicare crossover claim.

File the claim within 60 days of the Medicare processing date shown on the SPR/ERA. Maintain the original SPR/ERA on file.

LBOD = the Medicare processing date shown on the SPR/ERA.

Commercial Insurance
The claim has been paid or denied by commercial insurance.

File the claim within 60 days of the insurance payment or denial. Retain the commercial insurance payment or denial notice that identifies the patient, rendered services, and shows the payment or denial date.

Billing Instruction


Claims must be filed within 365 days of the date of service. No exceptions are allowed. If the claim is nearing the 365-day limit and the commercial insurance company has not completed processing, file the claim, receive a denial or rejection, and continue filing in compliance with the 60-day rule until insurance processing information is available.

LBOD = the date commercial insurance paid or denied.

Correspondence LBOD Authorization
The claim is being submitted in accordance with instructions
(authorization) from the Colorado Medical Assistance Program for a
60 day filing extension for a specific member, claim, services, or circumstances.

File the claim within 60 days of the date on the authorization letter. Retain the authorization letter.

LBOD = the date on the authorization letter.

Member Changes Providers during Obstetrical Care
The claim is for obstetrical care where the patient transferred to another provider for continuation of OB care. The prenatal visits must be billed using individual visit codes but the service dates are outside the initial timely filing period.

File the claim within 60 days of the last OB visit. Maintain information in the medical record showing the date of the last prenatal visit and a notation that the patient transferred to another provider for continuation of OB care.

LBOD = the last date of OB care by the billing provider.

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